Business Support Service

Notary Public Service – Alaska Local Notary

We can help with your notary public needs for business and personal in Anchorage at our midtown office. Our Notaries can assist with acknowledgements, affidavits, and signature witnessing.

  • State of Alaska Notary for notary service, acknowledgements and jurats.
  • Common forms: Wills, deeds, contracts, affidavits
  • Standard services $15 per document. $10 for each additional document.
  • Make an appointment online or stop by our office 7926 Old Seward Hwy, Ste A7.

*Denali Bookkeeping LLC is not an attorney or authorized to practice law or provide any legal advice.*

Mail Pickup

Going out of town for a trip or just need mail picked up and scanned to you? Don’t let it pile up or miss an important deadline.

  • We pickup your mail at the local Post Office in ANCHORAGE. 
  • Open, Scan and upload to secure server for you to access.
  • We can also sign for packages and certified mailing with approval.

Scanning & Electronic Doc Organization

Don’t want to waste time taking picture or your receipts or trying to get them loaded into QBO? Just stuff them in the envelope and mail or drop off at our office.

  • We will scan and upload them to your preferred file sharing service. 
  • Receipts are renamed using your client initials, vendor name, date, invoice # and amount.
  •, QBO Integration, or other accounting programs, let’s chat about that.

Accounting and Office Procedure Manuals

Many offices do not have a written Procedure and Operating Manual. We will help with the creation and updates for your office staff and owners.

  • Prepare an accounting manual customized for your office.
  • Front Office manual 
  • If you need specific manuals, let’s chat about that.